The NDB is different from a VOR station.
Ensenada NDB Rwy 11

Missed approach procedure is to climb and turn to intercept the 298º bearing outbound to proceed on the approach track to the minimum holding altitude=5000ft.
Note the "CAT A, B & C" on the Header. It means this approach is only for those types of airplane categories. Not 757s or greater. You can see in the minimums section that the category D is not applicable. The night landing is not available, because the runway doesn't have lights.
Check the Circle-To-Land section as well. It is not authorized Northeast of the runway. Reason? Mountains. If you want to circle-to-land on Runway 29, you must do it south-southeast of the runway.
The NDB approach is a very tricky one. It is more difficult than the other types of approaches, because the flight deck instrument only shows the bearing to the station. So if you have a crosswind, it doubles the fun.
Germany has more NDB approaches... I'll post one next time.
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