Carnitas el Aeropuerto is vary famous in tapatian aviation and in Zamora as well. We arrived at the Guadalajara Airport and walked to the hangar. The Bonanza was in another hangar, which was recently renewed. It looks so nice in that hangar ^^. I made the exterior check of the airplane and everything looked good. We pushed the plane out of the hangar and got in.
Taxi to runway 20 and we took off. Pretty normal flight over Chapala and then to Zamora. We crossed over the field and continued for landing. Zamora has a long runway, so there's no need to brake hard when landing. We got out of the Bonnie and walked to the restaurant, which is next to the road.
We had tasty carnitas and some Chongos for dessert :P We took one extra kilo to go too and bought strawberries. Next, we walked back to the airport and I made the exterior check. Of course, everything fine and we got into the Bonnie.
Hope you liked this post! Stand by for more flights, bye.
compraste fresas?? jajaja