A spin is an aggravated stall resulting in rotation about the center of gravity wherein the aircraft follows a downward corkscrew path. Spins can be entered unintentionally or intentionally, from any flight attitude and from practically any airspeed—all that is required is sufficient yaw at the moment an aircraft stalls. An incipient spin is typically driven by inputs made and held by the pilot, whereas a fully developed spin is a self-sustaining maneuver. In either case, however, a specific and often counterintuitive set of actions may be needed to effect recovery. If the aircraft exceeds published limitations regarding spins, or is loaded improperly, or if the pilot uses incorrect technique to recover, the spin can lead to a fatal crash.
In a spin, one wing is sufficiently stalled and generates significant drag but little or no lift, and the other is either not stalled or not stalled as fully as the other, and generates significant lift. This causes the aircraft to autorotate due to the non-symmetric lift and drag. Spins are characterized by high angle of attack, low airspeed, and high rate of descent.
Spins differ from spiral dives which are characterized by low angle of attack and high airspeed. A spiral dive is not a type of stall because the wing is not stalled and the airplane will respond to the pilot's inputs to the flight controls.
Taken from Wikipedia
The Cessna 152 POH indicates the recovery procedure:
Should an inadvertent spin occur, the following recovery procedure should be used:
4. JUST AFTER THE RUDDER REACHES THE STOP, MOVE THE CONTROL WHEEL BRISKLY FORWARD FAR ENOUGH TO BREAK THE STALL. Full down elevator may be required at aft center of gravity loadings to assure optimum recoveries.
5. HOLD THESE CONTROL INPUTS UNTIL ROTATION STOPS. Premature relaxation of the control inputs may extend the recovery.
If disorientation precludes a visual determination of the direction of rotation, the symbolic airplane in the turn coordinator may be referred to for this information.
Intentional spins are approved in this airplane. Before attempting to perform spins, however, several items should be carefully considered to assure a safe flight. No spins should be attempted without first having received dual instruction in both spin entries and spin recoveries from a qualified instructor who is familiar with the spin characteristics of the Cessna 152.
The cabin should be clean and all loose equipment (including the microphone) should be stowed. For a solo flight in which spins will be conducted, the copilot's seat belt and shoulder harness should be secured. Spins with baggage loadings or occupied child's seat are not approved.
Intentional spins with flaps extended are prohibited, since the high speeds which may occur during recovery are potentially damaging to the flap/wing structure.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Cessna 152 II Part 2
Something very important, any pilot should know it:
Section 3 (Emergency Procedures) provides checklist and amplified procedures for coping with emergencies that may occur. Emergencies caused by airplane or engine malfunctions are extremely rare if proper preflight inspections and maintenance are practiced. Enroute weather emergencies can be minimized or eliminated by careful flight planning and good judgment when unexpected weather is encountered. However, should an emergency arise, the basic guidelines described in this section should be considered and applied as necessary to correct the problem.
The first two problems of General Aviation are: Weather and fuel exhaustion. I won't write the Checklist of the procedures, but I'll write from the AMPLIFIED PROCEDURES section:
If an engine failure occurs during the takeoff run, the most important thing to do is stop the airplane on the remaining runway. Those extra items on the checklist will provide added safety after a failure of this type.
Prompt lowering of the nose to maintain airspeed and establish a glide attitude is the first response to an engine failure after takeoff. In most cases, the landing should be planned straight ahead with only small changes in direction to avoid obstructions. Altitude and airspeed are seldom sufficient to execute a 180º gliding turn necessary to return to the runway. The checklist procedures assume that adequate time exists to secure the fuel and ignition systems prior to touchdown.
After an engine failure in flight, the best glide speed (60 IAS) should be established as quickly as possible. While gliding toward a suitable landing area, an effort should be made to identify the cause of the failure. If time permits, an engine restart should be attempted as shown in the checklist. If the engine cannot be restarted, a forced landing without power must be completed.
If all attempts to restart the engine fail and a forced landing is, imminent, select a suitable field and prepare for the landing as discussed under the ”Emergency Landing Without Engine Power” checklist.
Before attempting an "off airport" landing with engine power available, one should fly over the landing area at a safe but low altitude to inspect the terrain for obstructions and surface conditions, proceeding as discussed under the Precautionary Landing With Engine Power checklist.
Prepare for ditching by securing or jettisoning heavy objects located in the baggage area and collect folded coats for protection of occupants' face at touchdown. Transmit Mayday message on 121.5 MHz giving location and intentions, and squawk 7700 if a transponder is installed. Avoid a landing flare because of difficulty in judging height over a water surface.
Trim for horizontal flight (with an airspeed of approximately 55 KIAS and flaps lowered to 20º) by using throttle and elevator trim controls. Then do not change the elevator trim control setting; control the glide angle by adjusting power exclusively.
At flareout, the nose-down moment resulting from power reduction is an adverse factor and the airplane may hit on the nose wheel. Consequently, at flareout, the trim control should be set at the full nose-up position and the power adjusted so that the airplane will rotate to the horizontal attitude for touchdown. Close the throttle at touchdown.
Although engine fires are extremely rare in flight, the steps of the appropriate checklist should be followed if one is encountered. After completion of this procedure, execute a forced landing. Do not attempt to restart the engine.
The initial indication of an electrical fire is usually the odor of burning insulation. The checklist for this problem should result in elimination of the fire.
A gradual loss of RPM and eventual engine roughness may result from the formation of carburetor ice. To clear the ice, apply full throttle and pull the carburetor heat knob full out until the engine runs smoothly; then remove carburetor heat and readjust the throttle.
If conditions require the continued use of carburetor heat in cruise flight, use the minimum amount of heat necessary to prevent ice from forming and lean the mixture slightly for smoothest engine operation.
A slight engine roughness in flight may be caused by one or more spark plugs becoming fouled by carbon or lead deposits. This may be verified by turning the ignition switch momentarily from BOTH to either L or R position. An obvious power loss in single ignition operation is evidence of spark plug or magneto trouble. Assuming that spark plugs are the more likely cause, lean the mixture to the recommended lean setting for cruising flight. If the problem does not clear up in several minutes, determine if a richer mixture setting will produce smoother operation. If not, proceed to the nearest airport for repairs using the BOTH position of the ignition switch unless extreme roughness dictates the use of a single ignition position.
A sudden engine roughness or misfiring is usually evidence of magneto problems. Switching from BOTH to either L or R ignition switch position will identify which magneto is malfunctioning. Select different power settings and enrich the mixture to determine if continued operation on BOTH magnetos is practicable. If not, switch to the good magneto and proceed to the nearest airport for repairs.
If low oil pressure is accompanied by normal oil temperature, there is a possibility the oil pressure gage or relief valve is malfunctioning. A leak in the line to the gage is not necessarily cause for an immediate precautionary landing because an orifice in this line will prevent a sudden loss of oil from the engine sump. However, a landing at the nearest airport would be advisable to inspect the source of trouble.
If a total loss of oil pressure is accompanied by a rise in oil temperature, there is good reason to suspect an engine failure is imminent. Reduce engine power immediately and select a suitable forced landing field. Use only the minimum power required to reach the desired touchdown spot.
Malfunctions in the electrical power supply system can be detected by periodic monitoring of the ammeter and low-voltage warning light; however, the cause of these malfunctions is usually difficult to determine. A broken alternator drive belt or wiring is most likely the cause of alternator failures, although other factors could cause the problem. A damaged or improperly adjusted alternator control unit can also cause malfunctions. Problems of this nature constitute an electrical emergency and should be dealt with immediately.
Electrical power malfunctions usually fall into two categories: excessive rate of charge and insufficient rate of charge. The paragraphs below describe the recommended remedy for each situation.
After engine starting and heavy electrical usage at low engine speeds (such as extended taxiing) the battery condition will be low enough to accept above normal charging during the initial part of a flight. However, after thirty minutes of cruising flight, the ammeter should be indicating less than two needle widths of charging current. If the charging rate were to remain above this value on a long flight, the battery would overheat and evaporate the electrolyte at an excessive rate.
Electronic components in the electrical system can be adversely affected by higher than normal voltage. The alternator control unit includes an over-voltage sensor that normally will automatically shut down the alternator if the charge voltage reaches approximately 31.5 volts. If the over-voltage sensor malfunctions or is improperly adjusted, as evidenced by an excessive rate of charge shown on the ammeter, the alternator should be turned off, nonessential electrical equipment turned off and the flight terminated as soon as practical.
I won't write the SPINS procedures, this needs a new post.
Section 3 (Emergency Procedures) provides checklist and amplified procedures for coping with emergencies that may occur. Emergencies caused by airplane or engine malfunctions are extremely rare if proper preflight inspections and maintenance are practiced. Enroute weather emergencies can be minimized or eliminated by careful flight planning and good judgment when unexpected weather is encountered. However, should an emergency arise, the basic guidelines described in this section should be considered and applied as necessary to correct the problem.
The first two problems of General Aviation are: Weather and fuel exhaustion. I won't write the Checklist of the procedures, but I'll write from the AMPLIFIED PROCEDURES section:
If an engine failure occurs during the takeoff run, the most important thing to do is stop the airplane on the remaining runway. Those extra items on the checklist will provide added safety after a failure of this type.
Prompt lowering of the nose to maintain airspeed and establish a glide attitude is the first response to an engine failure after takeoff. In most cases, the landing should be planned straight ahead with only small changes in direction to avoid obstructions. Altitude and airspeed are seldom sufficient to execute a 180º gliding turn necessary to return to the runway. The checklist procedures assume that adequate time exists to secure the fuel and ignition systems prior to touchdown.
After an engine failure in flight, the best glide speed (60 IAS) should be established as quickly as possible. While gliding toward a suitable landing area, an effort should be made to identify the cause of the failure. If time permits, an engine restart should be attempted as shown in the checklist. If the engine cannot be restarted, a forced landing without power must be completed.
If all attempts to restart the engine fail and a forced landing is, imminent, select a suitable field and prepare for the landing as discussed under the ”Emergency Landing Without Engine Power” checklist.
Before attempting an "off airport" landing with engine power available, one should fly over the landing area at a safe but low altitude to inspect the terrain for obstructions and surface conditions, proceeding as discussed under the Precautionary Landing With Engine Power checklist.
Prepare for ditching by securing or jettisoning heavy objects located in the baggage area and collect folded coats for protection of occupants' face at touchdown. Transmit Mayday message on 121.5 MHz giving location and intentions, and squawk 7700 if a transponder is installed. Avoid a landing flare because of difficulty in judging height over a water surface.
Trim for horizontal flight (with an airspeed of approximately 55 KIAS and flaps lowered to 20º) by using throttle and elevator trim controls. Then do not change the elevator trim control setting; control the glide angle by adjusting power exclusively.
At flareout, the nose-down moment resulting from power reduction is an adverse factor and the airplane may hit on the nose wheel. Consequently, at flareout, the trim control should be set at the full nose-up position and the power adjusted so that the airplane will rotate to the horizontal attitude for touchdown. Close the throttle at touchdown.
Although engine fires are extremely rare in flight, the steps of the appropriate checklist should be followed if one is encountered. After completion of this procedure, execute a forced landing. Do not attempt to restart the engine.
The initial indication of an electrical fire is usually the odor of burning insulation. The checklist for this problem should result in elimination of the fire.
A gradual loss of RPM and eventual engine roughness may result from the formation of carburetor ice. To clear the ice, apply full throttle and pull the carburetor heat knob full out until the engine runs smoothly; then remove carburetor heat and readjust the throttle.
If conditions require the continued use of carburetor heat in cruise flight, use the minimum amount of heat necessary to prevent ice from forming and lean the mixture slightly for smoothest engine operation.
A slight engine roughness in flight may be caused by one or more spark plugs becoming fouled by carbon or lead deposits. This may be verified by turning the ignition switch momentarily from BOTH to either L or R position. An obvious power loss in single ignition operation is evidence of spark plug or magneto trouble. Assuming that spark plugs are the more likely cause, lean the mixture to the recommended lean setting for cruising flight. If the problem does not clear up in several minutes, determine if a richer mixture setting will produce smoother operation. If not, proceed to the nearest airport for repairs using the BOTH position of the ignition switch unless extreme roughness dictates the use of a single ignition position.
A sudden engine roughness or misfiring is usually evidence of magneto problems. Switching from BOTH to either L or R ignition switch position will identify which magneto is malfunctioning. Select different power settings and enrich the mixture to determine if continued operation on BOTH magnetos is practicable. If not, switch to the good magneto and proceed to the nearest airport for repairs.
If low oil pressure is accompanied by normal oil temperature, there is a possibility the oil pressure gage or relief valve is malfunctioning. A leak in the line to the gage is not necessarily cause for an immediate precautionary landing because an orifice in this line will prevent a sudden loss of oil from the engine sump. However, a landing at the nearest airport would be advisable to inspect the source of trouble.
If a total loss of oil pressure is accompanied by a rise in oil temperature, there is good reason to suspect an engine failure is imminent. Reduce engine power immediately and select a suitable forced landing field. Use only the minimum power required to reach the desired touchdown spot.
Malfunctions in the electrical power supply system can be detected by periodic monitoring of the ammeter and low-voltage warning light; however, the cause of these malfunctions is usually difficult to determine. A broken alternator drive belt or wiring is most likely the cause of alternator failures, although other factors could cause the problem. A damaged or improperly adjusted alternator control unit can also cause malfunctions. Problems of this nature constitute an electrical emergency and should be dealt with immediately.
Electrical power malfunctions usually fall into two categories: excessive rate of charge and insufficient rate of charge. The paragraphs below describe the recommended remedy for each situation.
After engine starting and heavy electrical usage at low engine speeds (such as extended taxiing) the battery condition will be low enough to accept above normal charging during the initial part of a flight. However, after thirty minutes of cruising flight, the ammeter should be indicating less than two needle widths of charging current. If the charging rate were to remain above this value on a long flight, the battery would overheat and evaporate the electrolyte at an excessive rate.
Electronic components in the electrical system can be adversely affected by higher than normal voltage. The alternator control unit includes an over-voltage sensor that normally will automatically shut down the alternator if the charge voltage reaches approximately 31.5 volts. If the over-voltage sensor malfunctions or is improperly adjusted, as evidenced by an excessive rate of charge shown on the ammeter, the alternator should be turned off, nonessential electrical equipment turned off and the flight terminated as soon as practical.
I won't write the SPINS procedures, this needs a new post.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Cessna 152 II Part 1
I'll describe the little Cessna 152 II I fly hehe. I'll be taking the information from the POH (Pilot Operating Handbook)
Airplane and Systems Descriptions
The airplane is an all-metal, two-place, high-wing, single-engine airplane equipped with tricycle landing gear and designed for general utility purposes.
The airplane's flight control system consists of conventional aileron, rudder, and elevator control surfaces. The control surfaces are manually operated through mechanical linkage using a control wheel for the ailerons and elevator, and rudder/brake pedals for the rudder.
The instrument panel is designed to place the primary flight instruments directly in front of the pilot. The gyro-operated flight instruments are arranged one above the other, slightly to the left of the control column. To the left of these instruments is the airspeed indicator, turn coordinator, and suction gage. The clock, altimeter, rate-of-climb indicator, and navigation instruments are above and/or to the right of the control column. Avionics equipment is stacked approximately on the centerline of the panel, with space for additional equipment on the lower right side of the instrument panel. The right side of the panel also contains the tachometer, ammeter, low-voltage light, and additional instruments such as a flight hour recorder. The left switch and control panel, under the primary instrument panel, contains the fuel quantity indicators, cigar lighter, and engine instruments positioned below the pilot's control wheel.
The electrical switches, panel and radio light rheostat knob, ignition and master switches, primer, and parking brake control are located around these instruments. The engine controls, wing flap switch, and cabin air and heat control knobs are to the right of the pilot, at the center of the switch and control panel. Directly below these controls are the elevator trim control wheel, trim position indicator, microphone, and circuit breakers. A map compartment is on the extreme right side of the switch and control panel.
Effective ground control while taxiing is accomplished through nose wheel steering by using the rudder pedals; left rudder pedal to steer left and right rudder pedal to steer right. When a rudder pedal is depressed, a spring-loaded steering bungee (which is connected to the nose gear and to the rudder bars) will turn the nose wheel through an arc of approximately 8.5º each side of center. By applying either left or right brake, the degree of turn may be increased up to 30º each side of center.
The wing flaps are of the single-slot type, and are extended or retracted by positioning the wing flap switch lever on the instrument panel to the desired flap deflection position. The switch lever is moved up or down in a slot in the instrument panel that provides mechanical stops at the 10º and 20º positions. For flap settings greater than 10º, move the switch lever to the right to clear the stop and position it as desired.
The landing gear is of the tricycle type with a steerable nose wheel and two main wheels. The landing gear may be equipped with wheel fairings. Shock absorption is provided by the tubular spring-steel main landing gear struts and the air/oil nose gear shock strut. Each main gear wheel is equipped with a hydraulically actuated disc-type brake on the inboard side of each wheel. When wheel fairings are installed an aerodynamic fairing covers each brake.
The airplane is powered by a horizontally-opposed, four-cylinder, overhead-valve, air-cooled, carbureted engine with a wet sump oil system.
The engine is a Lycoming Model 0-235-L2C and is rated at 110 horsepower at 2550 RPM. Major engine accessories include a starter, a belt-driven alternator, and an oil cooler. Dual magnetos are mounted on an accessory drive pad on the rear of the engine. Provisions are also made for a vacuum pump and full flow oil filter.
The airplane is equipped with a two-bladed, fixed-pitch, one-piece forged aluminum alloy propeller which is anodized to retard corrosion. The propeller is 69 inches in diameter.
The airplane is equipped with either a standard fuel system. The system consists of two vented fuel tanks (one in each wing), a fuel shutoff valve, fuel strainer, manual primer, and carburetor.
The airplane is equipped with a 28-volt, direct-current electrical system. This system uses a 24-volt battery mounted on the right forward side of the firewall as the source of electrical energy and an engine-driven 60-amp alternator to maintain the battery's state of charge. Power is supplied to a bus bar, and a master switch controls this power to all circuits, except the engine ignition system, clock, and flight hour recorder (if installed). The flight hour recorder receives power through activation of an oil pressure switch whenever the engine is operating, and the clock is supplied with current at all times. All avionics equipment should be turned off prior to starting the engine or using an external power source to prevent harmful transient voltages from damaging the transistors in this equipment.
Performance and Speeds (KIAS)
Maximum at Sea Level: 110 knots
Ground Roll: 725 ft
Total Distance over 50 ft obstacle: 1340 ft
Ground roll: 475 ft
Total Distance over 51 ft obstacle: 1200 ft
Flaps up, power off: 48 knots
Flaps down, power off: 43 knots
Ramp: 1675 lbs
Takeoff or landing: 1670 lbs
152 II: 1133 lbs
152 II: 542 lbs
Normal Climb Out: 65-75
Short Field Takeoff. Flaps 101, Speed at 50 Feet: 54
Climb, Flaps Up:
Normal: 70-80
Best Rate of Climb, Sea Level: 67
Best Rate of Climb, 10,000 Feet: 61
Best Angle of Climb, Sea Level thru 10,000 Feet: 55
Landing Approach:
Normal Approach, Flaps Up: 60-70
Normal Approach, Flaps 30: 55-65
Short Field Approach, Flaps 30: 54
Balked Landing:
Maximum Power, Flaps 20: 55
Maximum Recommended Turbulent Air Penetration Speed:
1670 Lbs: 104
1500 Lbs: 98
1350 Lbs: 93
Maximum Demonstrated Crosswind Velocity: 12 knots
Next one: emergency procedures.
Airplane and Systems Descriptions
The airplane is an all-metal, two-place, high-wing, single-engine airplane equipped with tricycle landing gear and designed for general utility purposes.
The airplane's flight control system consists of conventional aileron, rudder, and elevator control surfaces. The control surfaces are manually operated through mechanical linkage using a control wheel for the ailerons and elevator, and rudder/brake pedals for the rudder.
The instrument panel is designed to place the primary flight instruments directly in front of the pilot. The gyro-operated flight instruments are arranged one above the other, slightly to the left of the control column. To the left of these instruments is the airspeed indicator, turn coordinator, and suction gage. The clock, altimeter, rate-of-climb indicator, and navigation instruments are above and/or to the right of the control column. Avionics equipment is stacked approximately on the centerline of the panel, with space for additional equipment on the lower right side of the instrument panel. The right side of the panel also contains the tachometer, ammeter, low-voltage light, and additional instruments such as a flight hour recorder. The left switch and control panel, under the primary instrument panel, contains the fuel quantity indicators, cigar lighter, and engine instruments positioned below the pilot's control wheel.
The electrical switches, panel and radio light rheostat knob, ignition and master switches, primer, and parking brake control are located around these instruments. The engine controls, wing flap switch, and cabin air and heat control knobs are to the right of the pilot, at the center of the switch and control panel. Directly below these controls are the elevator trim control wheel, trim position indicator, microphone, and circuit breakers. A map compartment is on the extreme right side of the switch and control panel.
Effective ground control while taxiing is accomplished through nose wheel steering by using the rudder pedals; left rudder pedal to steer left and right rudder pedal to steer right. When a rudder pedal is depressed, a spring-loaded steering bungee (which is connected to the nose gear and to the rudder bars) will turn the nose wheel through an arc of approximately 8.5º each side of center. By applying either left or right brake, the degree of turn may be increased up to 30º each side of center.
The wing flaps are of the single-slot type, and are extended or retracted by positioning the wing flap switch lever on the instrument panel to the desired flap deflection position. The switch lever is moved up or down in a slot in the instrument panel that provides mechanical stops at the 10º and 20º positions. For flap settings greater than 10º, move the switch lever to the right to clear the stop and position it as desired.
The landing gear is of the tricycle type with a steerable nose wheel and two main wheels. The landing gear may be equipped with wheel fairings. Shock absorption is provided by the tubular spring-steel main landing gear struts and the air/oil nose gear shock strut. Each main gear wheel is equipped with a hydraulically actuated disc-type brake on the inboard side of each wheel. When wheel fairings are installed an aerodynamic fairing covers each brake.
The airplane is powered by a horizontally-opposed, four-cylinder, overhead-valve, air-cooled, carbureted engine with a wet sump oil system.
The engine is a Lycoming Model 0-235-L2C and is rated at 110 horsepower at 2550 RPM. Major engine accessories include a starter, a belt-driven alternator, and an oil cooler. Dual magnetos are mounted on an accessory drive pad on the rear of the engine. Provisions are also made for a vacuum pump and full flow oil filter.
The airplane is equipped with a two-bladed, fixed-pitch, one-piece forged aluminum alloy propeller which is anodized to retard corrosion. The propeller is 69 inches in diameter.
The airplane is equipped with either a standard fuel system. The system consists of two vented fuel tanks (one in each wing), a fuel shutoff valve, fuel strainer, manual primer, and carburetor.
The airplane is equipped with a 28-volt, direct-current electrical system. This system uses a 24-volt battery mounted on the right forward side of the firewall as the source of electrical energy and an engine-driven 60-amp alternator to maintain the battery's state of charge. Power is supplied to a bus bar, and a master switch controls this power to all circuits, except the engine ignition system, clock, and flight hour recorder (if installed). The flight hour recorder receives power through activation of an oil pressure switch whenever the engine is operating, and the clock is supplied with current at all times. All avionics equipment should be turned off prior to starting the engine or using an external power source to prevent harmful transient voltages from damaging the transistors in this equipment.
Performance and Speeds (KIAS)
Maximum at Sea Level: 110 knots
Ground Roll: 725 ft
Total Distance over 50 ft obstacle: 1340 ft
Ground roll: 475 ft
Total Distance over 51 ft obstacle: 1200 ft
Flaps up, power off: 48 knots
Flaps down, power off: 43 knots
Ramp: 1675 lbs
Takeoff or landing: 1670 lbs
152 II: 1133 lbs
152 II: 542 lbs
Normal Climb Out: 65-75
Short Field Takeoff. Flaps 101, Speed at 50 Feet: 54
Climb, Flaps Up:
Normal: 70-80
Best Rate of Climb, Sea Level: 67
Best Rate of Climb, 10,000 Feet: 61
Best Angle of Climb, Sea Level thru 10,000 Feet: 55
Landing Approach:
Normal Approach, Flaps Up: 60-70
Normal Approach, Flaps 30: 55-65
Short Field Approach, Flaps 30: 54
Balked Landing:
Maximum Power, Flaps 20: 55
Maximum Recommended Turbulent Air Penetration Speed:
1670 Lbs: 104
1500 Lbs: 98
1350 Lbs: 93
Maximum Demonstrated Crosswind Velocity: 12 knots
Next one: emergency procedures.
Chemtrails... say again?
I've been seeing TONS of videos of the so called "Chemtrails". I must say: What a bunch of @$%#!!. They say these trails are made of chemicals used to change the environment and make people sick. More at Wikipedia
I really don't know why people are thinking this. I just really don't get it. I remember my spanish teacher once asked me "Is it true that the trails planes throw away are chemicals?" I asked "Who said that??" "Somebody told me" I answered: "Well, he must be an assh..." Then I explained (of course, shorter):
Contrails: The clouds, which are made up of condensed vapor called condensation trails, or contrails, are generally produced by jets (turboprops also) flying between 25,000 and 45,000 feet in moist air. If the relative humidity is low, contrails may evaporate rather quickly, however, in high relative humidity conditions, contrails may remain visible for several hours. This indication of moisture content may point to other clouds and, possibly, precipitation moving into the area within the next day or two. And THAT'S IT!!
I laugh when they show photos and videos of contrails, saying they are "chemtrails". Also when they show a picture of an A-340/B-767/B-747 dumping fuel, stupidly misunderstanding it with "dumping chemicals".
I'll always laugh at them. Poor stupid ignorant people. Oh well... as I always say: There are too many assh. in this world.
I really don't know why people are thinking this. I just really don't get it. I remember my spanish teacher once asked me "Is it true that the trails planes throw away are chemicals?" I asked "Who said that??" "Somebody told me" I answered: "Well, he must be an assh..." Then I explained (of course, shorter):
Contrails: The clouds, which are made up of condensed vapor called condensation trails, or contrails, are generally produced by jets (turboprops also) flying between 25,000 and 45,000 feet in moist air. If the relative humidity is low, contrails may evaporate rather quickly, however, in high relative humidity conditions, contrails may remain visible for several hours. This indication of moisture content may point to other clouds and, possibly, precipitation moving into the area within the next day or two. And THAT'S IT!!
I laugh when they show photos and videos of contrails, saying they are "chemtrails". Also when they show a picture of an A-340/B-767/B-747 dumping fuel, stupidly misunderstanding it with "dumping chemicals".
I'll always laugh at them. Poor stupid ignorant people. Oh well... as I always say: There are too many assh. in this world.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
US Airways 1549
Es en estos incidentes en los que uno puede pensar que el profesionalismo, disciplina, responsabilidad y un excelente entrenamiento dan frutos.
El vuelo de US Airways (Callsign: Cactus) 1549 hizo un amerizaje de emergencia en el río Hudson, después de un birdstrike en el ascenso.
Sin duda, fue un excelente amerizaje. Felicidades a el Capitán Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger, al Primer Oficial Jeffrey B. Skiles y a la Tripulación de Cabina por haber actuado de forma profesional.
Como no tenían suficiente altitud para planear a un aeropuerto cercano, decidieron amerizar en el río Hudson. Todos los aviones tienen procedimientos para amerizar. Al igual que el Airbus A-320:
Hicieron todo como marcaba en el Checklist. Es lo que se debe de hacer y punto. Al extender el tren de aterrizaje tendrías más resistencia, entonces necesitas una velocidad vertical mayor para seguir planeando. Además, en el impacto, el tren de aterrizaje provocaría una desaceleración aún mayor (Más Gs) y la estructura sufriría más. Los Airbus tienen un "Ditching Switch" que sirve para cerrar todas las válvulas, para que el agua no entre. Además, el combustible es más ligero que el agua y esto ayudó.
"Con combustible se usaria el APU y por eso pide al final cortarlo. También, por el hecho de contar con combustible y para prevenir un incendio se hace el procedimiento de emergencia para los motores y APU que además de cerrar varias válvulas, sirve para descargar las botellas de extintor."
Muchas gracias a Carlos, Primer Oficial de Volaris por la explicación y el ENG DUAL FAILURE - FUEL REMAINING Checklist.
Ayer también hubo un incidente en el Aeropuerto de Guadalajara. El Interjet 809 con destino a Los Cabos, tuvo un birdstrike y un ave entró al motor izquierdo. Por suerte no hubo flame-out ni afectó mucho al motor. "Los parametros de los motores son correctos, son normales, estamos haciendo un regreso a aterrizar. Es precautorio. Los parametros se encuentran normal."
El vuelo de US Airways (Callsign: Cactus) 1549 hizo un amerizaje de emergencia en el río Hudson, después de un birdstrike en el ascenso.
Sin duda, fue un excelente amerizaje. Felicidades a el Capitán Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger, al Primer Oficial Jeffrey B. Skiles y a la Tripulación de Cabina por haber actuado de forma profesional.
Como no tenían suficiente altitud para planear a un aeropuerto cercano, decidieron amerizar en el río Hudson. Todos los aviones tienen procedimientos para amerizar. Al igual que el Airbus A-320:

"Con combustible se usaria el APU y por eso pide al final cortarlo. También, por el hecho de contar con combustible y para prevenir un incendio se hace el procedimiento de emergencia para los motores y APU que además de cerrar varias válvulas, sirve para descargar las botellas de extintor."
Muchas gracias a Carlos, Primer Oficial de Volaris por la explicación y el ENG DUAL FAILURE - FUEL REMAINING Checklist.
Ayer también hubo un incidente en el Aeropuerto de Guadalajara. El Interjet 809 con destino a Los Cabos, tuvo un birdstrike y un ave entró al motor izquierdo. Por suerte no hubo flame-out ni afectó mucho al motor. "Los parametros de los motores son correctos, son normales, estamos haciendo un regreso a aterrizar. Es precautorio. Los parametros se encuentran normal."
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Flying away from bad weather...
We flew to Colima to do some touch and goes and after, we were flying at 7500 feet returning to Guadalajara. There was bad weather with rain heading to Chapala and we flew past that weather. We couln't see beyond Sayula, where we planned to fly by and decided to fly direct to Chapala. The visibility was good in Chapala and then landed at GDL without problems.
After closing the flight plan, I wanted to stay at the airport to see all the activity. I sat with my scanner in front of the commercial platform and I could see the bad weather I saw in my flight heading towards Guadalajara. I saw an Aeromexico 737 doing a go-around (discontinue the approach to try to land again), because the wind changed and obviously the runway changed (You have to land into the wind). I also saw an American Airlines Maddog (MD-80) pushing back and starting the engines. I love to hear airplane engines, specially the big airplanes. Every airplane has its unique sound and one of the best parts, for me, is the engine start. You can hear a "huuuum" when fuel is introduced and I just love that sound. Hehe but that's just me.
It began to rain. I think it was 4:30PM when I entered the first of the two buses to get home. 2 hour trip, but it's not big deal. Universal Religion 2008 helps me let the time go by. It began to get dark and the rain continued... Don't you have that feel when you think of someone and it's raining and you are hearing music? It's like, like... well I don't know how that is called.
I got off the bus and crossed the dark wet highway (uuuuh... scary huh?). I was tired and wet, but I finally got home.
It seems that I didn't flew away from bad weather after all...
After closing the flight plan, I wanted to stay at the airport to see all the activity. I sat with my scanner in front of the commercial platform and I could see the bad weather I saw in my flight heading towards Guadalajara. I saw an Aeromexico 737 doing a go-around (discontinue the approach to try to land again), because the wind changed and obviously the runway changed (You have to land into the wind). I also saw an American Airlines Maddog (MD-80) pushing back and starting the engines. I love to hear airplane engines, specially the big airplanes. Every airplane has its unique sound and one of the best parts, for me, is the engine start. You can hear a "huuuum" when fuel is introduced and I just love that sound. Hehe but that's just me.
It began to rain. I think it was 4:30PM when I entered the first of the two buses to get home. 2 hour trip, but it's not big deal. Universal Religion 2008 helps me let the time go by. It began to get dark and the rain continued... Don't you have that feel when you think of someone and it's raining and you are hearing music? It's like, like... well I don't know how that is called.
I got off the bus and crossed the dark wet highway (uuuuh... scary huh?). I was tired and wet, but I finally got home.
It seems that I didn't flew away from bad weather after all...
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Vuelo en el XB-EUE
Ayer estaba en mi casa oyendo música y viendo novedades en internet. Entonces me habla mi papá “¿Quieres venir a volar?” Ah pues claro que si. Me invitó mi tío a volar en el EUE (El 182 y se pronuncia Echo Uniform Echo, pero me gusta decirle “El Echo”). Preparé mi kneeboard y mi bolsa de vuelo (preferiría decirle flightbag, pero se oiría muy pocho mi post). La piernera (kneeboard) sirve para poner cartas visuales, el computador*, escribir instrucciones importantes que te vaya indicando el controlador y otros datos importantes que se necesiten en el vuelo. En la bolsa de vuelo, además de siempre tener mi carpeta que usé en teoría, un fueltester, las cartas visuales, etc, puse el manual de vuelo del 182. Este manual de vuelo es del Cessna 182Q y el Echo es 182P. ¿Qué tiene de diferente? Mucho no sé, pero lo que sé es que el peso podría cambiar, las máximas RPM que el motor puede dar son diferentes (C-182Q: 2400, C-182P: 2700), entonces los procedimientos de ajuste de RPM podrían ser diferentes y parece que el único cambio que le hicieron al C-182Q es que le agrandaron el estabilizador vertical (Si, la cola). El 182P lo construyeron hasta el año 1974 y el 182Q lo empezaron a construir en 1973. Puede que sean pequeñas diferencias, pero me interesan esos detalles.
Llegamos al aeropuerto y nos fuimos al hangar. El Echo ya estaba afuera y empecé a hacer el chequeo exterior (Exterior check o walkaround). El walkaround consiste en checar que el avión esté en condiciones para volar. Básicamente que no tenga fracturas, tuercas rotas, superficies de control libres, etc.
Se empieza por la cabina: Checas los documentos del avión (Certificado de Aeronavegabilidad, Certificado de matrícula, Operador como estación de radio aeronáutica y el seguro). Fuel Selector ON, Master ON (La batería), checas los indicadores de combustible, se bajan los Flaps para que luego se chequen, Master OFF y ajustas instrumentos de vuelo y de navegación.
Sigues con el recorrido: Checas el tren de aterrizaje principal izquierdo (No, ese no es el de la nariz) y ves que esté inflada apropiadamente y que no haya fuga del líquido del freno. Después, usando el fuel tester (es como un vasito) para drenar el tanque izquierdo en un orificio debajo del ala, checas que no tenga basura, agua y que el color del combustible sea el correcto; en este caso azul. Continúas checando el fuselaje: que no tenga fracturas ni abolladuras y checas la antena del ELT (Emergency Locator Transmiter). Sigues con el empenaje (La cola) y checas el estabilizador horizontal, el elevador, el estabilizador vertical y el timón, las tuercas de ambos y que tengan movimiento libre. Después, sigues checando el otro lado del fuselaje llegando al ala derecha. Esta vez drenas el combustible del tanque derecho y checas el tren de aterrizaje principal derecho. Continúas checando el Flap derecho, que no tenga obstrucciones ni rieles rotos. Checas el alerón, con movimiento libre y que no tenga obstrucciones ni bisagras rotas. Se checa el borde de ataque (la parte delantera del ala) y en la parte de arriba abres el tanque de combustible para checar cuánto tiene. Cierras el tanque y continúas checando la nariz.
En la nariz checas que la hélice esté en buenas condiciones: Que no tenga fracturas, que los bordes estén bien. Checas debajo de la hélice el filtro del carburador, las luces de aterrizaje y el tren de nariz. En el otro lado de la nariz, se checa que el tapón del aceite este asegurado. Se checa la cantidad del aceite y se checa la condición de la banda del alternador. Después checas el orificio del sistema de vacío que esté libre. También es bueno ver la condición del parabrisas, para ver si no tiene fracturas o manchas.
Continúas checando el ala izquierda al igual que la derecha y terminas el la cabina. Listo para encender el motor.
Segunda vez como piloto al mando (¡Gracias tío!) y proseguimos con el encendido de motor. Fuel Selector ON, Mixture Rich, Propeller High RPM, ½ Inch de Acelerador, Primer 2 o 3 bombeos, Master ON, Ignition ON y cuando arranque el motor, 1000RPM y checar la presión de aceite. Pongo Terrestre en el COM1 y coordino el plan de vuelo, al SW 6500ft. Cambié a Rampa y solicito rodaje a la pista activa. Rodamos a la pista 28 vía Foxtrot y Alpha. Antes de la pista hicimos el chequeo de motor o before takeoff checklist: Puertas y ventanas cerradas, cinturones ajustados, Fuel Selector ON, Flight Instruments set, Throttle 1700RPM, Magneto check, Carb. Heat check, Propeller low RPM then full, carburar para los 5000 pies de elevación, checar instrumentos del motor y listo. Autorizados a despegar: Luces (todas las luces prendidas), Cámara (Transponder en ALT) y Acción, toda la potencia adentro. En la primera parte de la carrera de despegue checas los indicadores del motor que todo este en verde y que tengas velocidad viva (que el indicador de velocidad este vivo). A los 70-80 nudos, rotamos y despegamos. Como teníamos viento cruzado decidí despegar sin Flaps. Ya desalojando la trayectoria de la pista, volamos hacia el SW con rumbo a Tlajomulco ascendiendo a 6500 pies (1500 pies sobre el terreno) con 90 nudos. Solo volamos aproximadamente 30 minutos y ya cuando se estaba metiendo el sol. Nos regresamos al aeropuerto y solicité datos de aproximación y aterrizaje. “Intercepte inicial por la izquierda a la pista 28 y reporte a través torre”. Ya en inicial, no había tráfico en final y nos autorizaron a aterrizar. En básico, hice el before landing checklist, bajé 10 grados de Flaps y empecé mi viraje a final. Estuvo muy suave la aproximación, en la tarde no se siente tanta turbulencia. Ya sobre la pista, corté toda la potencia y aterrizamos. El 182 es pesado de nariz, así que tienes que mantener la nariz cuidadosamente para que primero toques con el tren de aterrizaje principal. Así no golpeas el tren de nariz, arriesgándote a golpear la hélice.
Desalojamos vía Echo, pista 02 y Golf. En Golf contacté Rampa y solicité rodaje al hangar. Llegando al hangar apagué el motor: Radios OFF, Lights OFF, Mixture Cut, Magnetos OFF, Master Switch OFF. Listo, avión apagado y solo falta llenar la bitácora, lo cual es muy rápido.
Fue un buen vuelo. Al estilo “Dominguero” como me gusta llamarle.
Hay muchos detalles que me gustaría explicar, pero eso será en otros posts ;) Siempre uso muchas palabras en inglés. Prefiero relatar un vuelo en inglés porque así sería más fácil, porque el idioma de la aviación y muchos términos son en inglés.
Mañana vuelo en el C-152 de la escuela. ¿A dónde? No sé, pero voy a volar hehe eso es lo que importa. Nos vemos y pendientes para los próximos vuelos!!
Llegamos al aeropuerto y nos fuimos al hangar. El Echo ya estaba afuera y empecé a hacer el chequeo exterior (Exterior check o walkaround). El walkaround consiste en checar que el avión esté en condiciones para volar. Básicamente que no tenga fracturas, tuercas rotas, superficies de control libres, etc.
Se empieza por la cabina: Checas los documentos del avión (Certificado de Aeronavegabilidad, Certificado de matrícula, Operador como estación de radio aeronáutica y el seguro). Fuel Selector ON, Master ON (La batería), checas los indicadores de combustible, se bajan los Flaps para que luego se chequen, Master OFF y ajustas instrumentos de vuelo y de navegación.
Sigues con el recorrido: Checas el tren de aterrizaje principal izquierdo (No, ese no es el de la nariz) y ves que esté inflada apropiadamente y que no haya fuga del líquido del freno. Después, usando el fuel tester (es como un vasito) para drenar el tanque izquierdo en un orificio debajo del ala, checas que no tenga basura, agua y que el color del combustible sea el correcto; en este caso azul. Continúas checando el fuselaje: que no tenga fracturas ni abolladuras y checas la antena del ELT (Emergency Locator Transmiter). Sigues con el empenaje (La cola) y checas el estabilizador horizontal, el elevador, el estabilizador vertical y el timón, las tuercas de ambos y que tengan movimiento libre. Después, sigues checando el otro lado del fuselaje llegando al ala derecha. Esta vez drenas el combustible del tanque derecho y checas el tren de aterrizaje principal derecho. Continúas checando el Flap derecho, que no tenga obstrucciones ni rieles rotos. Checas el alerón, con movimiento libre y que no tenga obstrucciones ni bisagras rotas. Se checa el borde de ataque (la parte delantera del ala) y en la parte de arriba abres el tanque de combustible para checar cuánto tiene. Cierras el tanque y continúas checando la nariz.
En la nariz checas que la hélice esté en buenas condiciones: Que no tenga fracturas, que los bordes estén bien. Checas debajo de la hélice el filtro del carburador, las luces de aterrizaje y el tren de nariz. En el otro lado de la nariz, se checa que el tapón del aceite este asegurado. Se checa la cantidad del aceite y se checa la condición de la banda del alternador. Después checas el orificio del sistema de vacío que esté libre. También es bueno ver la condición del parabrisas, para ver si no tiene fracturas o manchas.
Continúas checando el ala izquierda al igual que la derecha y terminas el la cabina. Listo para encender el motor.
Segunda vez como piloto al mando (¡Gracias tío!) y proseguimos con el encendido de motor. Fuel Selector ON, Mixture Rich, Propeller High RPM, ½ Inch de Acelerador, Primer 2 o 3 bombeos, Master ON, Ignition ON y cuando arranque el motor, 1000RPM y checar la presión de aceite. Pongo Terrestre en el COM1 y coordino el plan de vuelo, al SW 6500ft. Cambié a Rampa y solicito rodaje a la pista activa. Rodamos a la pista 28 vía Foxtrot y Alpha. Antes de la pista hicimos el chequeo de motor o before takeoff checklist: Puertas y ventanas cerradas, cinturones ajustados, Fuel Selector ON, Flight Instruments set, Throttle 1700RPM, Magneto check, Carb. Heat check, Propeller low RPM then full, carburar para los 5000 pies de elevación, checar instrumentos del motor y listo. Autorizados a despegar: Luces (todas las luces prendidas), Cámara (Transponder en ALT) y Acción, toda la potencia adentro. En la primera parte de la carrera de despegue checas los indicadores del motor que todo este en verde y que tengas velocidad viva (que el indicador de velocidad este vivo). A los 70-80 nudos, rotamos y despegamos. Como teníamos viento cruzado decidí despegar sin Flaps. Ya desalojando la trayectoria de la pista, volamos hacia el SW con rumbo a Tlajomulco ascendiendo a 6500 pies (1500 pies sobre el terreno) con 90 nudos. Solo volamos aproximadamente 30 minutos y ya cuando se estaba metiendo el sol. Nos regresamos al aeropuerto y solicité datos de aproximación y aterrizaje. “Intercepte inicial por la izquierda a la pista 28 y reporte a través torre”. Ya en inicial, no había tráfico en final y nos autorizaron a aterrizar. En básico, hice el before landing checklist, bajé 10 grados de Flaps y empecé mi viraje a final. Estuvo muy suave la aproximación, en la tarde no se siente tanta turbulencia. Ya sobre la pista, corté toda la potencia y aterrizamos. El 182 es pesado de nariz, así que tienes que mantener la nariz cuidadosamente para que primero toques con el tren de aterrizaje principal. Así no golpeas el tren de nariz, arriesgándote a golpear la hélice.
Desalojamos vía Echo, pista 02 y Golf. En Golf contacté Rampa y solicité rodaje al hangar. Llegando al hangar apagué el motor: Radios OFF, Lights OFF, Mixture Cut, Magnetos OFF, Master Switch OFF. Listo, avión apagado y solo falta llenar la bitácora, lo cual es muy rápido.
Fue un buen vuelo. Al estilo “Dominguero” como me gusta llamarle.
Hay muchos detalles que me gustaría explicar, pero eso será en otros posts ;) Siempre uso muchas palabras en inglés. Prefiero relatar un vuelo en inglés porque así sería más fácil, porque el idioma de la aviación y muchos términos son en inglés.
Mañana vuelo en el C-152 de la escuela. ¿A dónde? No sé, pero voy a volar hehe eso es lo que importa. Nos vemos y pendientes para los próximos vuelos!!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Canadian aviation and props
I haven't wrote in my blog for a while. There's not much to tell. I should write more about aviation, because I want to make this blog an aviation blog.
So... where do I start? I've been reading a blog from a canadian pilot (A woman pilot) and she explains things very good. It's well worth it reading that blog from he beginning, as I'm doing it now. Of course, it's a blog and she writes all sort of things that happen in her life, but it gets very interesting when she writes about technical stuff. Like describing the PT6-A turboprop engine (The best turboprop engine ever made) and explaining how a constant speed propeller works (also the turboprop propeller). She put a link to an AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association) brochure about "Propeller Safety" and it's very good!
I'll write about the differences of fixed pitch and constant speed propellers in the future, but I want to start describing the planes I fly: C-152 and C-182. The POHs will help this time ;) Of course, next time I fly, I'll write a very detailed post of all things a pilot must do. It will be parallel as I write about the C-152. It is very important to know how your airplane works and it's characterisitcs.
Just one last thing: Yesterday I saw a comment on one of my posts: "inche mamon inga tu madre" I don't know you and probably you don't know me. Please have more respect and maturity. You passed well beyond the line. Of course, I deleted it.
That's all, have a good day.
So... where do I start? I've been reading a blog from a canadian pilot (A woman pilot) and she explains things very good. It's well worth it reading that blog from he beginning, as I'm doing it now. Of course, it's a blog and she writes all sort of things that happen in her life, but it gets very interesting when she writes about technical stuff. Like describing the PT6-A turboprop engine (The best turboprop engine ever made) and explaining how a constant speed propeller works (also the turboprop propeller). She put a link to an AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association) brochure about "Propeller Safety" and it's very good!
I'll write about the differences of fixed pitch and constant speed propellers in the future, but I want to start describing the planes I fly: C-152 and C-182. The POHs will help this time ;) Of course, next time I fly, I'll write a very detailed post of all things a pilot must do. It will be parallel as I write about the C-152. It is very important to know how your airplane works and it's characterisitcs.
Just one last thing: Yesterday I saw a comment on one of my posts: "inche mamon inga tu madre" I don't know you and probably you don't know me. Please have more respect and maturity. You passed well beyond the line. Of course, I deleted it.
That's all, have a good day.
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